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  • History

Time saved, safety increased

At Returkraft, SIL proof tests of pressure transmitters are handled with simplicity

Employees of Returkraft regularly have to fulfill and document all requirements of the SIL measuring points in the plant. With the Endress+Hauser pressure gauges, they are able to save time while completing their tasks without compromising safety.

In Returkraft’s large incinerator, the pressure conditions must be monitored continuously. ©Endress+Hauser
The wizard for the SIL proof testing guides the user step by step.

The results

  • Time savings and reduced effort for SIL-proof tests

  • Commissioning of the devices is done quickly and safely

  • Risks of systematic failures are minimized

Kristoffer Hagevik, Safety Instrumented Systems Responsible

“Our maintenance strategy is based on best available technology (BAT). For flue gas measurement, we rely on the Cerabar PMC71B pressure transmitter from Endress+Hauser. ”

Kristoffer Hagevik, Safety instrumented process responsible

Customer challenge

In Returkraft’s incinerator, the pressure conditions must be monitored continuously and precisely. A critical point in this respect is the extraction of the flue gases from the furnace. For this reason, monitoring of the pressure is highly relevant to safety and thus part of the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) in plants of this type. The risk from systematic failures such as operating errors, leakage currents, or clogged impulse lines must be minimized as far as possible.

Our solution

For flue gas measurement, Returkraft relies on the Cerabar PMC71B pressure transmitter from Endress+Hauser. Its robust and abrasion-resistant ceramic measuring diaphragm allows even the smallest pressures to be determined with high precision and reliability. Thanks to innovative functions, Returkraftemployees save time and effort, while at the same time increasing safety:

  • A commissioning assistant, the so-called Wizard, guides them through the menu.

  • A SIL Wizard allows to double-checking the settings of all safety-relevant parameters.

  • Thanks to the CRC checksum, the user can quickly check whether safety-relevant parameters have been unintentionally adjusted.

  • The Wizards can be executed with a smartphone or centrally from the control room.

  • Simple products

  • Easy to select, install and operate

Technical excellence


  • Standard products

  • Reliable, robust and low-maintenance

Technical excellence


  • High-end products

  • Highly functional and convenient

Technical excellence


  • Specialized products

  • Designed for demanding applications

Technical excellence



FLEX selections Technical excellence Simplicity
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental selection

Meet your basic measurement needs

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean selection

Handle your core processes easily

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended selection

Optimize your processes with innovative technologies

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert selection

Master your most challenging applications

Technical excellence
