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Keeping the turbine running

State-of-the-art SWAS solution for Zwickau SĂĽd power plant

Newly built biomass power plant monitors its steam and water quality with our Steam/ Water Analysis System (SWAS). The main parameters measured are conductivity and pH.

SWAS analytical panel for the water/steam cycle at the combined heat and power plant Zwickau Süd ©HeizkraftwerkZwickauSüdGmbH

The results

  • Complete SWAS solution package running smoothly since day one

  • Minimum maintenance and simple operation thanks to devices with Memosens technology.

  • The high reliability and availability of the solution ensures that the plant can be operated by a single employee.

Mr Lutz Loos from Heizkraftwerk Zwickau SĂĽd GmbH

"We are amazed how reliable and low-maintenance the SWAS panel solution is and can fully recommend it to other power plant operators."

Lutz Loos, Project leader
Heizkraftwerk Zwickau SĂĽd GmbH

Customer challenge

To maximize the plant’s lifetime HKWZS needed a reliable monitoring of the water/ steam cycle to detect impurities that could otherwise damage the plant equipment. In addition, the turbine supplier specified a maximum conductivity value of 0.2μS/cm to maintain the warranty. Since the CHP is operated 24/7 with just seven employees, the solution had to be extremely reliable, easy-to-operate and low maintenance.

Our solution

To cope with these challenges, the plant management decided to use our turnkey SWAS
monitoring solution. It was up and running within three days and consisted of several parts:

  • State-of-the-art measuring devices optimized for the power industry

  • Lab equipment for commissioning and validation of the instruments.

  • Several services such as consulting and training to customize the solution and to bring it into the process.

  • Data logging of the water and steam quality to maintain the turbine warranty.

Measurement instrumentation at CPH Zwickau SĂĽd

  • 9 x Condumax CLS15D sensors for low conductivity

  • 2 x Orbisint CPS11D pH sensors with salt ring

  • 2 x Liquiline CM448 multichannel transmitters with integrated data logging

  • Simple products

  • Easy to select, install and operate

Technical excellence


  • Standard products

  • Reliable, robust and low-maintenance

Technical excellence


  • High-end products

  • Highly functional and convenient

Technical excellence


  • Specialized products

  • Designed for demanding applications

Technical excellence



FLEX selections Technical excellence Simplicity
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental selection

Meet your basic measurement needs

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean selection

Handle your core processes easily

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended selection

Optimize your processes with innovative technologies

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert selection

Master your most challenging applications

Technical excellence
